An ISO 45001:2018 | ISO 45001:2015 | ISO 9001:2015 Company

+91-79-4899 6143



Minerva GR


Vetella GR


Passion GR


Utpathi GR


Ennoble GR


Minerva  Liquid


Vetella Liquid


Passion Liquid


Utpathi Liquid


Ennoble Liquid


Minerva Plus


Minerva Powder


Zinc Sulphate Mono-hydrate Zn 33%

1 Free flowing powder form
2 Matter insoluble in water,maximum 1.0%
3 Zinc (as Zn),minimum 33.0%
4 Lead (as Pb),maximum 0.003%
5 Copper (as Cu),maximum 0.1%
6 Magnesium (as Mg),maximum 0.5%
7 Iron (as Fe),maximum 1.0%
8 pH not less than 4.0
9 Sulphur (as S),minimum 15.0%
10 Cadmium (as Cd),maximum 0.0025%
11 Arsenic (as As),maximum 0.01%

Recommended Crops

  • Field Crops - Rice, Wheat, Maize, Tea, Cotton, Sugarcane & Oil seeds crops
  • Vegetable Crops – Potato, Chili, Tomato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brinjal, etc


  • 5-9 KGS / ACRE


Do Not Mix With Urea, DAP And SSP For Soil Application.

Packing available

1KG, 5KG, 10KG, 25KG

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate Zn 33%(Granular)

1 Matter insoluble in water,maximum 1.0%
2 Zinc (as Zn),minimum 33.0%
3 Lead (as Pb),maximum 0.003%
4 Copper (as Cu),maximum 0.1%
5 Magnesium (as Mg),maximum 0.5%
6 Iron (as Fe),maximum 1.0%
7 pH not less than 4.0
8 Sulphur (as S),minimum 15.0%
9 Cadmium (as Cd),maximum 0.0025%
10 Arsenic (as As),maximum 0.01%
11 Particle size- Not less than 90% of the material shall pass through 4 mm IS sieve and be retained on 2 mm IS sieve. Not more than 5 per cent shall be below 2 mm IS sieve.

Recommended Crops

  • Wheat, Rice, Sorghum, maize, Sugarcane, Cotton, Pigeon Pea, Soyabean, Sunflower, Safflower, Groundnut and Vegetables like (Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Chillies) all types of Vegetables And all other Fruits Crops, Tea & Coffee. All Commercial Crops.


  • For Soil Application: 5 to 10 kg has to be thoroughly mixed with inert material with major fertilizer and broadcast uniformly on one acre.

Packing available

5KG, 10KG, 25KG

Magnesium Sulphate

1 Free flowing –Crystalline form
2 Matter insoluble in water,maximum 1.0%
3 Magnesium (as Mg),maximum 9.6%
4 Lead (as Pb),maximum 0.003%
5 pH (5% solution) 5.0-8.0%
6 Sulphur (as S),minimum 15.0%

Recommended Crops

  • Wheat, Rice, Sorghum, maize, Sugarcane, Cotton, Pigeon Pea, Soyabean, Sunflower, Safflower, Groundnut and Vegetables like (Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Chillies) And all other Fruits Crops


  • For foliar spray: Dissolve 500 gms in 200 liters water and spray on both sides of the of the leaves. The first spray should be gives after 30 days from germination or transplantation repeat 2 sprays at an interval of 20-25 days each in case of cotton use 3 spray schedules to control the red leaf disease

Packing available

1KG, 25KG

Copper Sulphate

1 Copper (as Cu),minimum 24.0%
2 Matter insoluble in water,maximum 1.0%
3 Soluble Iron and aluminium compounds (expressed as Fe),maximum 0.5%
4 Lead (as Pb),maximum 0.003%
5 pH not less than 3.0
6 Sulphur (as S),min 12.0%

Preparation of 1 % Bordeaux Mixture:

  • Dissolve @ 1.0 kg of Copper Sulphate in 50 litres of water in the first container
  • In the second container dissolve 1.0 kg of Calcium carbonate or any lime source in 50 litres of water.
  • Finally mix both the solutions slowly in a third container by stirring continuously for solution to become neutral.

Packing available

1KG, 5KG, 10KG, 25KG