An ISO 45001:2018 | ISO 45001:2015 | ISO 9001:2015 Company

+91-79-4899 6143

Potassium Schoenite

1 Moisture,maximum 1.5%
2 Potash content (as K2O),minimum 23.0%
3 Magnesium Oxide (as MgO),maximum 11.0%
4 Sodium (as NaCl),(on dry basis), maximum 1.5%

Packing available

1 KG, 25 KG

Sulphur 90% (Powder)

1 Moisture,maximum 1.0%
2 Total Sulphur (as S),minimum 90.0%

Packing available

3 KG

Bentonite Sulphur 90% (Granular)

1 Moisture,maximum 0.5%
2 Total Sulphur (as S),minimum 90.0%
3 Particle size- Not less than 90 per cent of the material shall pass through 4.0 mm IS sieve and be retained on 1 mm IS sieve and not more than 5 per cent shall be below 1 mm IS sieve (Note- the product may contain inert filler material only Bentonite etc. up to the extent of 10% by weight, maximum 1.0%

Packing available

5 KG, 10 KG, 25 KG, 50 KG

Super phosphoric Acid(70 %) P2O5 (Liquid)

1 Total phosphate (as P2O5),minimum 70.0%
2 Poly phosphate (as P2O5),maximum 18.9%
3 Methanol insoluble matter,maximum 1.0%
4 Magnesium (as MgO),maximum 0.5%
5 Specific gravity (at24°C) 1.96

Packing available
